Title: Fearless Leader/TAG Project Head
Job: Translator, Timer, Encoder, Typesetter, QC, Editor
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
Title: Channel Security Officer
Job: channel security
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
Title: QC / Hater of Commas
Job: Release Distro / QC
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
Title: QC
Job: Release Distro / QC
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
Title: QC / Editor
Job: QC / Editor
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
TurnX2k2 (Retired)
Title: Webmaster/VG Project Head
Job: Timer, Encoder, Typesetter, QC
Contact: TurnX2k2@yahoo.com
Quote: coming soon
Mark064 (Retired)
Title: Crossbone Project Head
Job: Timer, Typesetter, QC
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
Gespenstischer Ritter (Retired)
Title: V Gundam Translator
Job: Translator
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
cibb (Retired)
Title: coming soon
Job: coming soon
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
letsgo2u (Retired)
Title: XDCC Bot Owner
Job: Release Distro
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
MrBrown (Retired)
Title: Original VG Translator
Job: Translator
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
fryman123 (Retired)
Title: Original VG Typesetter
Job: Typesetter
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
Madpuppet (Retired)
Title: Original VG Editor
Job: Editor
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
Quigoni (Retired)
Title: Original VG Editor
Job: Editor
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
Guyver (Retired)
Title: VG Encoder ep. 1-3 (#msg member)
Job: Encoder
Contact: coming soon
Quote: coming soon
Gundam Reconguista in G 17 Aida's Decision
Released: May 4 2015
Gundam Reconguista in G 16 Bellri's War
Released: May 4 2015
Gundam Build Fighters Try 25 Our Gunpla
Released: Apr 16 2015
Gundam Build Fighters Try 24 Final Burst
Released: Apr 16 2015
Gundam Build Fighters Try 23 Build Fighter
Released: Apr 16 2015
Gundam Build Fighters Try 22 As Your Heart Desires
Released: Mar 14 2015
Gundam Build Fighters Try 21 Azure Wings
Released: Mar 14 2015
Gundam Build Fighters Try 20 An Unyielding Heart
Released: Feb 27 2015
Gundam Build Fighters Try 19 A Fated Reunion
Released: Feb 27 2015
Gundam Reconguista in G 15 Fly to Towasanga!
Released: Feb 27 2015