GBF Try is Back on Track!
Ok, finally caught up on Try! What about G-Reco? Well, to be honest, it's not exactly fantastic from what I've seen so far. But don't worry, it'll be out soon. Hopefully I can catch up on it. Truth is, it's just more difficult to translate and it has longer lines and more lines compared to Try. In the meantime, I hope 4 eps of Try would satisfy you guys while I take my time to finish G-Reco. Enjoy!
- Posted by ths1138 Mon, Dec 29 2014, 07:22 UTC
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Finally! Something is out!
My real-life stuff took a while to settle down, and my HDD decided to die in the middle of my move, so it took even longer. Anyway, here's Try 7 and 8 for now. I know I have lots to catch up on, so please bear with me while I get my life in order and everything out soon.
- Posted by ths1138 Wed, Dec 10 2014, 10:01 UTC
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Try and G-Reco on Hold Temporarily
Sorry about this guys, but we have to put the 2 current projects on hold for a couple of weeks. Reason is because I'm busy packing and moving my stuff to a new place, so I don't really have the time to do all this for now. But don't worry, once I settle in to my new place, we should be able to catch up in a couple of weeks and be back on schedule (hopefully!). Hope you guys understand.
- Posted by ths1138 Tue, Nov 25 2014, 20:44 UTC
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G-Reco 8 is out!
Here's last week's episode of G-Reco. Hopefully we can keep a better schedule now. :) Enjoy~
- Posted by ths1138 Tue, Nov 18 2014, 17:51 UTC
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On time! For Try At Least
We got this week's episode of Try out on time! But we're also releasing last week's G-Reco too (I don't have the raw for this week's yet). I'm not sure if we can keep up such a schedule, but our policy is to not have a schedule and just release whatever we can as soon as we get it done. Enjoy~
- Posted by ths1138 Fri, Nov 14 2014, 11:56 UTC
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Playing Catch-Up
Looks like we're playing catch up this week. Anyway, here's last week's G-Reco and Try, as well as this week's episode of Try. Triple release? I hope we can be more regular in terms of release for these 2 series. Anyway, enjoy~
- Posted by ths1138 Sat, Nov 8 2014, 06:24 UTC
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Last Week's Episodes Are Finally Out
That took quite a while. Sorry to have kept everyone waiting! Last week's episode of Try and G-Reco are now released. Hopefully this week's will move faster. Enjoy~
- Posted by ths1138 Thu, Oct 30 2014, 00:29 UTC
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Sorry, We're Late, But Here's A Little Something...
Sorry, but our QCer is still busy with real life stuff, so things are getting a little clogged up at the moment. FYI G-Reco 5 is ready for QC as well as TRY 3, so hopefully it won't take too long. However, to satisfy our dear supporters, we're releasing the 3 specials for GBF that was on the blurays! A two-parter SD episode, and a 2 minute special that's a lead-up to TRY. Thanks for the support!
- Posted by ths1138 Sat, Oct 25 2014, 21:47 UTC
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Reco 4 and Try 2 are out! And an apology in advance
Sorry about the delay, our QCer happens to have a couple of sick dogs at home, so stuff got delayed. Also, I want to apologise for what appears to be numerous mistranslations in the first couple of episodes of G-Reco. Some of the spellings of names and stuff are inconsistent (due to lack of information) and some are just due to uses of Japanese I've never actually heard of. G-Reco just happens to be one of those series that's harder to translate than your usual anime.
- Posted by ths1138 Tue, Oct 21 2014, 19:58 UTC
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Hidden Secrets of Gundam in G-Reco
G-Reco 3 is out, and we finally get to know (a really silly!) "secret" to the inner workings of a cockpit in an MS, at least in this series. :P Enjoy~
- Posted by ths1138 Tue, Oct 14 2014, 06:24 UTC
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